We love pattern, but its a fine line between mixing patterns to make magic or ending up in a mess. We have found some great examples from around the world that highlight the design principles to make patterns work. 

Tip 1 . Pick a simple colour palette and stick with it. Generally three main colours and shades of these colours is a great formula to follow. the above examples are all settings that are based on three key colours.

Tip 2. Choose your tablecloth carefully. A patterned tablecloth is the base of the design, use the colour in the tablecloth to set the tone for the whole table. 

Tip 3.  Add layers. This is done simply by stacking patterned crockery with plain crockery. By mixing the plain crockery with the patterns allows some space in the design.

Tip 4. Simple flowers. We recommend bunches of the same flowers, to bring a fresh natural touch to the beautiful table without competing with the base pattern.

Image Source Pintrest

Kristan Dwyer